
  • Interview with Guitarist Alba Espert in Luz Cultural (04/12/2016)
    Performance in the First Poetic Encounter "With Aromas of Flamenco and Poetry" (18/11/2016)
    Accompaniment to Jorge Ramírez "El Wilo" in the National Flamenco Art Contest of Córdoba (13/11/2016)
    Presentation of the albums 'Memoria Jonda' and 'My conversations with four flamencas' by Pepe Marín (11/11/2016)
    Flamenco Poetic Recital: Aromas (14/10/2016)
    Flamenco Singing and Guitar Classes (11/10/2016)
    Alba Espert: "To say flamenco is to unite both the touch of the flamenco guitar and the singing or dancing" (13/09/2016)
    Saturday Flamenco at Sala MalaVida with "El Wilo" on song and Alba Espert on guitar (20/08/2016)
    The Fridays of the Tertulia with "El Wilo" on cante and Alba Espert on guitar
    The Fridays of the Tertulia with Maria José Abad on cante and Alba Espert on guitar (03/06/2016)
    La Peña Flamenca y Literaria, organizes a conference on Los Cantes de las Minas (12/04/2016)
    Conference on Los Cantes de las Minas (04/04/2016)
    Flamenco Guitar Audition at the Peña Flamenca de Córdoba
    V OFF Jerez Festival in La Guarida del Ángel (04/03/2016)
    Accompaniment to the cante of Francisco Pulido "El Chiapas" in Peña Flamenca Castreña (23/01/2016)

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