Presentation of the albums 'Memoria Jonda' and
'My conversations with four flamencas' by Pepe Marín (11/11/2016)
Among the events scheduled by the Andalusian Flamenco Documentation Center for the celebration of Flamenco Day in Andalusia, next Friday, November 11, the presentation of the albums Memoria Jonda and My conversations with four flamencas, starring Pepe Marín, will take place. The records belong to the "Flamenco y Universidad" Collection, directed by Rafael Infante. The presentation will take place at the headquarters of the Center (Plaza de San Juan, 1 Jerez) at 8:00 p.m., with free admission until full capacity is reached.
Pepe Marín and Rafael Infante will intervene. The act will be illustrated by Manuel Fernández “El Gordo” on cante, Alba Espert , Antonio González and Juanpe Carabante on guitar.