XXII Flamenco Biennial. Seville 2022
Hotel Triana - Seville (09/15/2022 at 11:00 PM)

Two tables, side by side, but never facing each other. Young flamenco artists gather around them to bring back music and dance to what was once a courtyard of neighbors, where these art forms developed.
Flamenco in coexistence. Where a tempered soleá has its place, as well as the heartfelt sadness of joy, which dies of anger, laughter, and jealousy when tangos become the expression of pleasure. Seguiriyas and malagueñas, fandangos and bulerías. Any smile on the brink of a tear. Any palo to confuse peace and pain, all mixed in a shouting voice.
We bring here flashes of an art that leaps through the blood and the ear when these young people, all under thirty years old, remember the masters without reproducing them. Making tradition contemporary, far above technique and trends, which come and go and are always leaving. With their own stamp on singing, dancing, and guitar. Laden with individuality in their sense of ensemble. Parts and fruits of an elevated classicism that ensures the vitality of this culture. If playing at dying has not killed it, the expression of fatigue assures it a long life.
Flamenco, after all, still hurts, as the world today hurts. A young wound that has no time.
Artistic Credits

- Elena de Morón
- José Luis Pérez-Vera
- Marián Fernández
- Ismael de la Rosa “El Bola”
- Juan Tomás de la Molía
- Lucía La Bronce
- Alba Espert
- David de Arahal
- Jesús Rodríguez
Artistic Direction: Luis Ybarra
Production:: Planificación Escénica S.L.
Show financed by the Seville Provincial Council
1 - Al Niño Ricardo (Soleá a dos guitarras)
2 - Dolor en el patio (Seguirilla)
3 - A Miguel Vargas, cantaor (Malagueñas)
4 - Un romance (Zambra)
5 - ¡Triana! (Tangos)
6 - Sierra (Fandangos de Huelva)
7 - A Manolo Sanlúcar (Guajira)
8 - Parada en el camino (Sevillanas)
9 - Búsqueda (Soleá)
10 - Estampas sevillanas (Alegrías)
11 - Fiesta (bulerías)