Jerez-born guitarist Alba Espert wins the XVI Young Flamenco Contest (11/06/2018)

  • The young woman, who studies at the Superior Conservatory of Córdoba, stood out for "the pulsation and transparency"

    The Jerez-born guitarist Alba Espert won the Vicente Amigo award for solo guitar last Friday night, a category of the XVI Contest of Young Flamencos of the Diputación de Córdoba.

    The young woman, who currently resides in Córdoba, where she is studying Flamenco Guitar at the Rafael Orozco Higher Conservatory of Music, highlighted, as explained by the jury, "due to the pulsation and transparency in expressive language".

    The Jerez, who in the selective phase had performed a rondeña by maestro Manolo Sanlúcar and a farruca by Niño Miguel, risked the most, and despite the fact that she could repeat herself, she chose to perform solo granainas and serranas and accompanied the young Lorena's dance. You dub 'La Rubia' (with the cante of María José Abad) for reeds.

    The jury was made up of Antonio Fernández Díaz 'Fosforito', Cristina Hoyos, Manuel Martín Martín, Manuel Moreno Maya "El Pele" and Rafael Rodríguez 'Merengue de Córdoba'.

    In the cante modality, the Antonio Fernández 'Fosforito' award went to Isabel Fátima Jurado; The Cayetano Muriel Niño de Cabra prize for young artists up to 22 years of age went to Carmen Carmona Lara, of whom the jury highlighted "the good structure of the cantes".

    The Mario Maya dance award went to Sonia Monje López "for her temperament and for the beauty of her movements, which include the ability to make her shawl fly."

    Finally, the award corresponding to accompaniment guitar went to Ángel Dobao Corpas, who was deserving of this award "for being the most complete accompanying both in singing and dancing."